Past Few Days...
Classes Begin
Ahhh I'm slacking on my "daily" journal. Since Saturday night was basically our last night of freedom before classes began, we felt obligated to go out. After people backing out and finally convincing them to come out again, we decided to try a club named Scala, about 10 minutes away from the dorm. Unfortunately, the music that was playing there was some sector of electronic music called drum & bass, and I'm not particularly a fan of it. It was really hard to dance to and my ear drums were being fried so after about half an hour and a shot of tequila later we decided to head out back to The Rocket where we could actually request music that was good. Too bad it closes at 2AM, so we only had about half an hour there to hang out and half the group left to eat McDonald's instead. Overall, a decent last night of freedom.
On Sunday, NYU gave us a panoramic bus tour of London, on which we visited St. Paul's Cathedral, Tower Bridge, Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace among other places. We all slept relatively early in preparation of our first day of classes. Luckily, my first Monday class is at 1:30PM so I got to sleep in a little longer than the rest of the roommates. First day of classes was okay. I decided that English accents are nice, except when you have to listen to your professor lecture with the accent for 3 hours straight. Then it becomes a little annoying and hard to listen to. But so far, the professor for my first class of the semester seems decent, and at least we get a 30 minute break in the middle. I was starting to feel a little trapped in the tiny rooms NYUL calls "classrooms." The highlight of my night was playing monopoly with Lynn and Charine... haha. Tomorrow we are planning to visit the British Museum near campus with some people so hopefully that will be fun! Good night :)
Sleep at 7am, Up at 2pm
So yesterday was pretty fun. First we went to the lunch and book sale provided by NYU, which kind of sucked and was not worth waking up/walking for. Then on the way back we stopped at Tesco Express for some groceries. After getting back to the dorm and waking Charine up, Charine, Lynn and I decided to go explore a little bit. We took the tube for the first time using our oyster cards and took it to Oxford Circus. When we got there it was kind of like Soho, with a bunch of stores lining Oxford Street. We explored a bit and went into some stores we've never heard of, then found an alleyway and found a cute little candy shop in there. When we got back to Russell Square, Charine realized that her gold Kate Spade bag was missing from her purse... I guess pickpocketing is pretty common here in London on the tube. There are some dodgy people out there. ha. We finally got home and headed to the NYU dinner event at Tutu's in KCLSU. Unfortunately it took literally an hour of waiting in line to finally get our burgers. At least we got a free drink and had entertainment thanks to a few drunk people dancing by themselves on the dance floor... After things got a little boring, our new suitemate Emma led us to The Rocket, a bar. It was pretty fun after we requested good American songs that we actually knew and started dancing in the middle of the floor. Soon enough other people joined in after they realized how cool we were and how good the music was. :) This is actually one of the only places in London that closes at a relatively normal time, aka 2AM. After we got back to the dorm, we were still so energetic that we ended up dancing by ourselves for a good hour and then talked for another several hours. At 7AM we called it a night and went to bed. And here I am at 6pm, about to go out to eat at Pizza Express with the suite!
the rocket
Orientation and Whatnot
NYU treated us to lunch today and followed up with a three hour long orientation. I don't know why they did that, because food coma set in for everyone except the four of us who were playing monopoly on Charine's phone. And FYI Charine, I won that game (or we won that game because Yan helped heh). :) Afterwards we did some phone shopping, and I finally settled on getting Vodafone, which has free bbm and email until July so it's perfect. Then we grabbed some burritos at Adobo, this Mexican fast food restaurant similar to the likes of Chipotle and Qdoba, stopped at Waitrose for some groceries, and then headed home to eat and rest. After showering and everything, we met up with some friends at other dorms and scoured the area for bars/pubs. We made stops at three different ones and tried some new things, some good and some not so good. There was a black currant flavored drink called Sourz and it was really good--it tasted like juice. Overall, it was a good day and we got to explore the area around the dorms and campus a little more so it was very productive. I'm just glad I finally got bbm back... it's been too long!
First Day in London
Now that we're all settled in our dorms, I finally have a little time to write! Except for the fact that I think I blew up the outlets so we don't have electricity in our room for the night (sorry Jocelyn and Kathryn :x), everything has been going relatively smoothly. The plane was really cramped so I wasn't able to get a good night's rest; I ended up passing out for a little bit on the taxi ride from the airport to the dorm. Lynn and I tipped the taxi driver 10%, which ended up to be a total of £80. I guess we didn't realize that a) we tipped an equivalent of $14 USD (yikes) and b) you don't have to tip here. We figured it out after the cab driver said, "That was very nice of you." Oh well.
After meeting the suitemates (there are 9 of us in total and 2 bathrooms), grabbing some food, unpacking, napping, and settling in, it was already 10pm. We decided to go grab some food and explore the nearby streets to see if we could find a pub... turns out most restaurants here close around 10 and pubs generally close at 11pm. Regardless, we found one after lots of walking and sat down for just one drink. It was an interesting experience, hopefully we will have more fun tomorrow now that we're all settled in. We have orientation in the afternoon and then some free time later. Looking forward to it!
first time,
pre-departure anxiety
So I'm leaving in 18 hours and I'm not sure how I feel about that. Everyone has been telling me that I don't seem very excited to go, and the truth of the matter is that I'm not. Well I am, but I'm mostly scared and nervous and not very willing to let go of what I have here at home and accept this huge change in my life. I have no idea what to expect, and while I know that it will be a great experience and a lot of fun, I am kind of dreading the consequences of being away for so long, be it bad grades, distanced relationships, etc. But I guess I should focus more on the positive aspects of studying abroad and make the most of it. Winter break has passed way too quickly... wish me luck.
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